There is alot to say about Ron and his writing--so, I am pretty sure that I will have to write another blog dedicated soley to his literary output. I stumbled upon him and his book Brother Grim back 05. And I'm glad I did. It was like reading a golden age comic or something that Will Eisner may have wrote. Some might compare him Frank Miller but I think he is in a class all his own. His writing is pure pulp and of the muscular quality; it gets the job done. I like the fact that he does not over do the purple prose. He also does a very good job at describing atmosphere. And the atmosphere is very dark-- it better be if you are going to name your fictional city Cape Noir(sp).

His hero Brother Grim is almost a Frankenstien character in that he was created from something bad into something worse. But despite that, he is what the city of Cape Noir needs to protect them from all of the supernatural wraiths and ordinary cuttthroats and crime bosses that walk the city every day.
The first story in the anthology is called Brother Grimm and deals with his creation. The other stories deal with other characters. Brother Grimm usually makes an appearance.
This is something that I like because it gives a different perspective on the main character. I have done that in my own work.
Fortier has written other books. The one I intend to read is The Hounds of Hells. He is not a mainstream writer but that's ok. He recalls the work of Lester Dent, Edgar Rice Burroughs and other pulp greats. He is proof that pulp fiction is alive.
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