Fly Me To The Morgue. Your Nobody Til Somebody Kills You. Luck Be A Lady Don't Die. These are some of the titles of the books in the Rat Pack Series written by Robert J. Randisi.

The setting is the gritty Las Vegas of the late fifties and sixties; long before Disney tried to ravage the strip with Mickey Mouse and their pirates. This is the Vegas of High Rollers, Hustlers and WiseGuys. And for this reader, it is a pleasure to visit.

The plot is centered around a pit boss named Eddie G at the Sands who is always being to called on by the Rat Pack to solve a mystery of some sort. To help with the legwork, Eddie gets the assistance of a low level gangster named Jerry Epstein. In the process of carrying out whatever assignment Frank, Dino, or Sammy give them, the two end up getting shot at, beat up, or shaken down by the local cops. Pure hard boiled fun!
This to me this is pulp fiction at its finest and I intend to read as many of these mysteries as I can get my hands on.
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