Killer of a Deal is written by Chris Bauer and it is another story featuring his alter ego Cliff who is another everyman. And in this case, who we don't know much about except that he wants a new car and has a nagging wife. But that's ok for me since I know Chris is heavily influenced by Kafka who gives you little or know back story on his characters as he puts them in absurd and sometimes horrific situations.
The story starts out with Cliff ogling a car that an old man is selling He does the necessary and cursory inspections, but it is clear to see he wants the car. The man says it was his wife's car and she just one day walked away and never came back. Cliff remarks he wishes his would do the same. In the end he buys the car and takes it home to his wife.
Now I am not going to give away the ending. But, I will tell you this is no ordinary car. Christine? Stephen King?
What strikes me as interesting is that we gain true insight on Cliff based on his reactions to the behavior of this special car. He is not likeable. He is also very detached during this horrific situation with his wife. I guess the one thing I would have recommended was that he be taught a lesson of some kind, but that never happens.
On balance I liked the story. However, I see it more as a dark comedy then horror. But, I urge all of you to read this anyway and draw your own conclusions.
Killer of a Deal by Chris Bauer can be purchased at